1. Confidence: Confidence is key to success; without it, achieving success is almost impossible. You need to be confident in order to become successful. Unless you feel confident in your own skin, others will not be attracted to you. People are generally drawn to those who have confidence in themselves. You can achieve anything if you have confidence in yourself.
2. Maintain Eye Contact: Eye-to-eye contact is important, depending on whom you are interacting with. If it is someone you love, it can help build your relationship with them. However, remember not to overdo it; it should only last for a few seconds, otherwise you might have an uncomfortable experience. If the person is someone who dislikes you, look right into their eyes as long as possible; it may make them feel insecure and you will assert dominance.
3. Dress Well: Your great sense of dress attracts the attention of others. People are generally drawn to those with a simple, yet neat and clean, dressing style. Most people judge you based on your clothing, so remember that the first impression is the last impression.
4. Be Mysterious: When you choose to be mysterious, it enhances attraction. People become interested in getting to know you, start researching you through different means, and enjoy talking about you with others. As a result, your value continues to increase.

5. Don’t Express Yourself to Everyone: Don’t feel the need to express yourself to everyone to make them understand who you are; they may not care about you personally and are more interested in the benefits they can get from you. The one who truly cares will understand you without needing explicit expressions of your feelings.
6. Don’t Be Desperate While Talking or Texting: Don’t be desperate to reply immediately when talking to someone. Listen to them properly and respond with concise answers unless they encourage you to keep speaking. This makes them feel that you value their conversation. Similarly, don’t reply to texts right away; waiting a bit before responding increases the sender’s curiosity and makes them more interested in connecting with you.
7. Don’t Sell Yourself Easily to Others: People will start taking you less seriously if you keep giving your opinions to everyone. Unless they ask for your opinion on something, don’t offer it unsolicited. I understand you may love assisting people with various issues, but they often don’t appreciate it unless they request your help. Charging for your services sends a message that you are not available for free, which can lead people to value you more.
8. Don’t Try to Be Needy: No matter what you’re going through, don’t beg anyone to make you feel good. You have to fight for yourself. People will start finding mistakes if you appear needy, so don’t let them see any weaknesses. Instead, offer help to others without expecting anything in return.
9. Smile While Looking at Anyone or Having a Conversation: When looking at someone, smile; it sends a positive gesture that you are open to having a conversation. While in conversation, smile occasionally; it makes the other person feel that you are interested and confident.